604 - Mare with Foal at foot (max age of foal 6months)
605 - Filly Foal under 6 months of age - may not exceed 84cm
607 - Filly 6 to 12 months old - may not exceed 90cm
609 - Filly 12 to 18mnths old - (may not exceed 90cm)
629 - Champion and Reserve Champion Filly
611 - Filly 18 to 24mnths old - (may not exceed 90cm)
613 - Filly 24 to 36 mnths old - (may not exceed 95cm)
615 - Junior Mare 36 to 48months - (may not exceed 95cm)
631 - Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Mare
617 - Senior Mare older than 4 Years(Higher than 90cm but not exceeding 95cm)
619 - Senior Mare older than 4yrs higher than 85cm but not exceeding 90cm
633 - Champion and Reserve Champion Senior Mare
606 - Colt under 6mths of age - may not exceed 80cm
608 - Colt 6 - 12 Months may not exceed 84cm
610 - Colt 12 to 18mnths old - may not exceed 90cm
630 - Champion and Reserve Champion Colt foal|
614- Junior Colt 24 to 36months - (may not exceed 90cm)
616 - Senior Colt
620 - Senior Stallion older than 4yrs higher than 85cm but not exceeding 90cm
622 - Senior Stallion >4 Years >80cm <=85 cm
632 - Colt Champion
624 - Senior Stallion older than 4yrs (higher than 75cm but not exceeding 80cm)
634 - Champion and Reserve Champion Senior Stallion
627 - Best Gelding 90cm up to and including 100cm
628 - Best Gelding 90cm up to and including 100cm
635 - Champion Gelding and Reserve Champion Gelding
636 - Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Mare
637 - Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Stallion
637 - Supreme Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion
Best Movement Award
671 - Costume Class - Open for adults and children. To be judged separately
665 - Best turned out Horse and Handler
666 - Best Child Handler under 9 years
667 - Best Child Handler 9 - 14 years
670 - Best Groom Handler
663 - Best turned out horse and Rider
664 - Best Child Rider
640 - Mare solid colour any age (60% colour; 40% Conformation)
642 - Mare multi-colour any age (60% colour ; 40% conformation)
644 - Mare Appaloosa colour. Solid or broken (60% Colour; 40%conformation)
643 - Stallion | Gelding multi colour any age (60% colour | 40 % conformation)
641 - Stallion | Gelding solid colour any age (60% colour | 40 % conformation)
645 - Stallion|Gelding Appaloosa colour. Solid or broken (60% Colour; 40%conformation)
669 - Smallest Horse - only senior horses above the age of 4yrs.(Conformation 40% Height 60%)
661|659A|659B - Combined Utility Classes
660 - Champion and Reserve Utility Champion (discretion of the judge)
657 - Adult Long Reining - Horse to negotiate a series of obstacles in long reins
673 - Novice Show Jumping - Horse not graded as Open Jumpers
674 - Open Show Jumping - Horse Height taller than 85cm
675 - Power Jump - Open. Only one obstacle | Kragsprong
646 - Presentation Driving - Single Harness
648 - Open Drive - Single Harness
652 - Junior Driving Class. Single Harness, All genders
656 - Champion Driving Class